This Land is My Land

This Land is My Land


HELL YES they are for sale!!! I believe in "Affordable art for the masses!"

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Saturday, January 21, 2012


Good Morning Blog Buddies,

Sort of a quiet day today - my DW is working on a new novel - a sequel to "The Christmas Village." so I'm playing around with some paints - new ideas - new processes - and for the time being I'm keeping in the floral arena - quick - wet into wet with lots of spontaneity - these are studies - perhaps for future large paintings of just for my own amusement and pleasure.
I spent about 15 years of my painting career "Painting to SELL!"  SELL-SELL SELL!!!!  We owned a gallery in East Boothbay Maine and I was completely tied down to that gallery 7 days a week - 52 WEEKS A YEAR and paint-paint-paint were my marching orders everyday.  We did eventually relocated to North Scottsdale AZ.
So over time I have slowed down as putting yourself out there and getting into galleries and into art shows and-and-and takes a tremendous amount of effort and money.  IMHO the only way to sell art work these days is to have your own gallery.  Even at that, in this horrid economy people are not buying art work and it will be years before they go down this path again.  Sooooooooo I paint for my enjoyment and if I sell one along the way GREAT - I take my DW out to a nice restaurant or as is current we save the money for gas for the RV!!!!!  :>)

Sooooo this is one of those "paint for my enjoyment" pieces.  ME-ME-ME!!!!!  I try to learn and advance through these 'quickies."

The title of this 12 x 9 painting is "Shasta Daisies"
It is painted on a primed piece of loose canvas.

It is painted with gusto and spontaneity in color and form - not quite as semi-abstract as my previous piece but certainly has a touch of semi-abstract.
I have purposely saved the daisies for last, as most of them need to be IN FRONT of the leaf foliage.  This is the part that I shall get CRAZY with my strokes and add a dimension of movement into the piece.  As I say still life needs movement or to me it is BORING!!!!!

Not much to show as it is only 12 x 9 and I'm using a big brush so it moves along quite quickly thereby not allowing me to stop too often and snap a photo.  OK - i'm just lazy!!!!

I start with the free hand general shape of a vase done quickly with a round brush and once again I'm not concerned with the shape being perfect as parts will be covered with foliage and flowers - so why be exact!!!  :>)

Next I quickly throw in some shadow color on the vase as the light is coming from the left

See how shadowing gives dimension?

A close up of the vase for a view of the color shading

Now I will throw in the hints of foliage in many, many shades of green so it won't be boring and the shadow sides and light sides of the foliage will be of notice and I hope provide some viewing interest.  This portion is a tad on the semi-abstract side and fun to do.

Can you see the "MOVEMENT?"

I throw in some FG and some movement in that FG as well - WHY????
RIGHT - static still life work is WHAT???

RIGHT --- B O R I N G!!!!!  :>)

OK - The paint is quite juicy and wet so it needs to dry before I can RENDER 

Can you say RENDER - can you spell RENDER??

No peeking!!!!!

There is just no end to what I teach my Blog Buddies!!!!  :>)
Next to my DW and my  painting Buddies - youse guys are my best friends. 

I figure if you can't paint you can at least talk in artist talk.

Well, time for a rest and let the blobs and globs of juicy paint dry and I'm be back for the climax - WHOOPS I mean finish.

JR    :>)