This Land is My Land

This Land is My Land


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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


14 x 11 on heavy linen canvas paper - Chroma Interactive Acrylics - rendered with lots and lots of color blending on the surface wet into wet. I felt like rendering this one as compared to palette knife or an expressionistic style. Ya gotta render once in a while or you forget how to!! :>) Of course my arthritis is now in full bloom in the painting hand - so tomorrow I rest it!

La Paz is a beautiful seaside city towards the tip of the BCS (Baja  California SUR) it is the Capital City of the BCS and is on the Sea of Cortez which is an Eco Wonder of our world.  We just love it there.  Blue is a very visible color down there, from houses to the ocean to walls - blue-blue-blue and all shades of it. In the patina part of the painting, I tried to create the look and feel of the desert of La Paz so in some ways this is a landscape - the desert at the edge of the Sea of Cortez.

OK - enough of the fancy artist talk - Blah-Blah-Blah!!  And you know me by now, I do not talk a lot!!! :>)

I begin as is normal for me (if I can even be considered close to normal) with a white sheet of heavy linen canvas paper in front of me on my paint laden easel, with the white of the paper of course blinding me!  So what do I do?  Throw paint onto the paper - CORRECT-

OK - now that I can see again we shall begin throwing color around.  This time as mentioned I am working in the mode of RENDERING as compared to an EXPRESSIVE style with strokes of emotion and gusto.  RENDERING involves for me the blending of colors directly onto the painting surface, wet into wet with ease of touch and a slowness that I really do not enjoy - however if one does not RENDER once in a while one can forget how to.  I love the softness that RENDERING gives to a piece.  It is almost the appearance of pastel.  I have actually RENDERED to such a degree that I have made the piece blurry to the eyes.
I won't do much more explaining as I'm sure you are getting bored and my job is to keep you interested in the process and the best way I feel to do that is through pictures.  Additionally the less I speak the less chance I will digress.  It's a win - win situation for both of us.
What I will do is add color as I say in a very slow soft manner with sissy like brush movements, being very careful not to created MUD by blending too much and blending the wrong colors.
This process of RENDERING makes the arthritis in my painting hand act up, and I end up with lots of hand cramps and pretty much rest my hand the entire next day.
I just heard a couple of yawns (how rude) OK CHARGE!!!!!!!!