18 x 24 - heavy linen paper - Chroma Interactive acrylics - done in a loose painterly sryle using "thick paint" as in the style of artist Brad Teare - I follow his work and am a big fan of the "thick paint' - large brush technique. This was painted with a 2 1/2 inch good quality brush (Purdy) which I buy at Home Depot - I've had this one 20 years and also use it for painting projects around the home -
Rockin' & Slow Dancin' In California - heavy linen paper - Chroma Interactive acrylics done in a loose painterly style using a style similar to that of Brad Teare (thick paint.) 2 1/2 inch brush used - very quickly with lots of spontaneity and a love for the ocean.
Thanks for lookin'
JR :>)