Just did a quick painting this morning for # III in a short series I'm working on. I figure maybe 4 or 5 paintings in the series.
This is 12 x 9 on heavy linen paper - I start out with a quick sketch of tree trunks - 5 of them. Always work in odd numbers - an even number does not register well with the eyes of the viewer.
I start putting in the BG - painting around the tree trunks - no need to be accurate as I'll paint in the tree trunks with my palette knife so I can make any adjustments necessary to the width and shape of the trunks
OK - BG all painted in - with a slight indication of the downward shinning light coming through the canopy
Tree trunks all put in using my palette knife .
I now start putting in the "black mark" indications found on aspen trees using a small round brush
OK - time to finish this painting up - I add more cascading light indication on the ground as well as in the BG between several of the tree trunks as well as indications of other trees in the BG.
In order to accentuate the cascading light I put in a very dark FG to surround the cascading light