Today I will demo the creation of "PATH TO THE WOODS"
This is a 9 x 12 painting on heavy linen paper done with Chroma Interactive acrylics, very quickly with emotion - spontaneity and gusto.
I put in the sky using a 2 inch sky flow brush loaded with lots and lots of white and blue paint
This painting will be done using 2 brushes the 2" for the sky and a small brush for the rest of the paint using for the most part a "dry brush" technique to develop the foliage
I develop the sky so I have a combination of clouds and sky that to my eye presents the type of day that I see in the piece
Using the small brush - which is completely DRY I continue to generate foliage using quick upward strokes and dab s & jabswith just a small amount of paint on the brush.
The next few photos will show the generation of the foliage - keeping in mind what scrub type foliage looks like and through the quick upward strokes with a perfectly dry brush I keep working until the foliage has a realistic look to it
I now finish up the foliage giving it a tweak here and a tweak there to complete the painting
I hope you enjoyed this demo and picked up a hint or two of some of the procedures I use to develop a painting.
I'll be back next week with a demo or two - in the meantime - enjoy life - smile at those who cross your path and most importantly when you smile - say "HELLO!!"
JR :>)