This Land is My Land

This Land is My Land


HELL YES they are for sale!!! I believe in "Affordable art for the masses!"

Check out my ETSY STORE for original paintings

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Sunday, July 10, 2011


I have been researching RVs for about 9 months now. When I say researching, I have been looking at used RVs on the Internet and actually following and keeping an inventory of RVs that we like. I follow 3 RV dealers on-line and check in about once or twice a week to see which of those we like are still available.

In addition, we (me and my DW - RV lingo for Darling Wife) - joined Good Sam Club which provides great services to RV-ers - we don't even have an RV yet but I figure it is good to get out there and see what is going on and what is available to the RV community. Truth be told - more than likely when we do get our RV we will look at and consider Good Sam for rates on financing as well as mail forwarding, insurance etc etc.

I also subscribed to Motorhome magazine. Every time I see an article on the Internet or in a magazine talking about RV products, RV maintenance RV ANYTHING, I research the product and put it up on "MY FAVORITES."

Out there in the RV world, there are lots of RV blogs - web sites and I follow some of those and learn a lot from just reading.

One of my favorite RV web-sites that I follow is:

My most favorite source of all RV information is from a fellow named Mark Polk. I consider him to be my RV Guru! He has been into RVs for most of his life and he isn't even that old!! :>)
He has a newsletter that can be signed up for - I look forward to Monday as this is when the newsletter arrives in my IN-BOX. Lots of interesting information on RV maintenance as well as Do's & Dont's - also info on various products to make your RV-ing easier - more fun and safer.

The current newsletter can be accessed at:
Sign up for it - you'll be glad you did!

Recently I ordered 2 DVDs and a CD from Mark Polk through his RV UNIVERSITY. The DVDs and CD are part of his RV Education 101. Link below:

I ordered:
Type A Motorhome 101 - DVD

RV Care & Maintenance - DVD

Recommended RV Essentials - CD

I should have ordered these 9 months ago as they are loaded with information, explaining the necessary and important issues you want to know about a motorhome (class A in this case) from setup to how the various systems function. Presented in a clear - concise - professional manner and OHHHH so much better than all the hit and miss research and article reading I've done for the past 9 months.  The best part is - it is all in one place - Ya gotta love it!!

RVs are no different than a home, they need preventative maintenance and this DVD goes into how to perform preventative maintenance on the RV as well as its systems and how to properly maintain and care for you RV on a continuing basis.  You won't become an RV mechanic, this is NOT the DVDs intent - you will however be educated on what your RV is about, how to use it and how to take care of it.

If you are a "NEWBIE" or a "WANNABEE" RV-er, I highly recommend these instructional DVDs. On the link to RV Education, there are many other instructional DVDs depending on the type of RV or trailer as well as many subjects to choose from.

As I say the best thing I've done to further my knowledge of RVs was to order these DVDs. Once we sell our house we will purchase our RV and head out for a venture of full-time RV-ing. I know that I won't be heading out uninformed or "blind" as they say and I feel I will have the confidence to know about the workings of my RV, its systems and what I should do and what I should avoid. I look at these DVDs as a continuing source of information, to be watched many times and referred to if something goes astray. No hit or miss for me - the more I know the less problems and when problems do occur (and they will), at least I will have some solid practical knowledge of what is happening and more importantly what to do!

As you can see - WE are committed to our RV venture and we WILL be out there as soon as our house sells!

So NEWBIES - WANNABEES - AND SEASONED RV-ers there is a lot of knowledge in these educational products -  Hmmmmmm - educational products = knowledge - what a great idea!!!  Check out the following link: