This Land is My Land

This Land is My Land


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Monday, July 4, 2011


Yesterday I posted a WIP started with palette knife on a 10 x 8 canvas panel.  It's funny how the frame of your mind can change.  Yesterday I thought the canvas was really cool and all I needed to do today was figure out what I wanted to have the painting be about.  Welllllllll when I looked at the image this morning that whole thought went out the window - WHAT WAS I THINKING?????

The colors were very girlie like and I must have been unknowingly in touch with my feminine side - I must of been having a femininity attack within my very own masculine manly being - HOLY CRAP what is going on???????  This scares me - will this happen again - if it does - will I like it???  HOLY CRAP that is a very scary thought.

Well in order to straighten myself out (so to speak) I attacked the girlie canvas with not one but 2 palette knives - 1 in each hand!!!  I lie not - I was like John Wayne on steroids!!!  :>)

Ok Pilgrim time to stand up and be a manly man!!!

8 x 10 on canvas panel using 2 palette knives (one in each hand) wet into wet loaded with Blobs & Globs of thick juicy Chroma Interactive Acrylics.  Done with expression - emotion - gusto - rusticity and spontaneity of color and form with a very BITE ME attitude .   This as with some of my pieces borders on semi abstract - YA THINK DUH!!!!!

This was done so quickly the presentation will be over almost before it starts.  Hang on!

(I can hardly wait to see if my friend Terry see another "Critter!"



Now I need a nap - but what if I dream - what will I dream of - I don't know if I can nap - who am I?? 

:>)  I'm just kidding!!!!!