Wellllllll - thought we had a buyer yesterday. Some people flew into Santa Fe and looked at 5 houses, and boiled that down to 2 house - one of which was ours. Such excitement!!! However we ended up being a bridesmaid!!!! They chose the other house - and this is the 2nd time this has happened. I believe that you have to wait your turn to sell a house and after TWO not ONE but TWO times a bridesmaid, I think our time is just around the corner.
In our search for used RVs, I found an older one which does not have any slides. a slide being part of the side of the RV moves out about 3 feet thereby providing more space inside. This is a very nice feature - however lots of slides are prone to LEAKING!!! We don't need no STINKIN' LEAKS!!!
The RV I found is a 1996 Rexhall Aerbus - 33 feet long and the interior was completely redone in 2006 in sort of a MIAMI RETRO style - real leather couches etc: which we find to be quite nice, and just love the look! It also has a king size bed - WOW!!!
The price is just right and if we had the money today we would go to Houston TX - have the RV inspected and if that phase was positive, we would BUY IT!!!
However - needing to sell the house B4 we can buy an RV, we need to get out of this Bridesmaid mode!! Send good thoughts our way!!