This Land is My Land

This Land is My Land


HELL YES they are for sale!!! I believe in "Affordable art for the masses!"

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Hello Blog Buddies,

Well, I had my annual physical this morning - that is always worth a few laughs!  I mentioned to the Dr. that we had sold our home and come April we would be taking off in our 31' RV.  Wellllll. HOLY CRAP was that ever a mistake!!!!!  The good Dr. says "well we'll check out everything today since you are leaving the area!!!"
HOLY CRAP did he ever check out everything - but I won't go into he details as I'm still walking around on my friggin TOES!!!!
He did a balance test - I thought I did great on that - but - OH NO!!!
The good Dr. said "for someone your age (71) you did not do very good.  He then suggests some test that they can give to determine why my balance is not as good as they feel it should be - ( I HAPPEN TO BE VERY HAPPY WITH MY BALANCE!!!) and he adds we can put you into REHAB to correct this condition.  HOLY CRAP!!!!  REHAB - I'm 71 - not 91!!!!!  I say

He did an EKG and some other tests.  When all was said and done we agreed that other than the balance thing (which I question as I may be a bit dippy and unbalanced - however I can stand up without falling over!!! Geezzzzzzz!!!! 

OK - I did another "QUICKIE" today - no smart remarks are necessary!!!!  This time I did a still life - why???  Because I'm the artist and it's my choice :>)

I'm happy to report while doing this painting I only fell over once!!

:>)  HAR-HAR-HAR just kidding - REHAB!!!  What was he thinking?????

OK - very quickly without a lot of explanation as I'm tired from my physical ordeal this morning!

I quickly sketch in an apple and a pear using this time a palette knife.  A fellow that I communicate with via my blog and an RV blog that I met him on said he was glad to see me using a brush again - referring to my painting of yesterday --- so today I used a palette knife - after all, I'm the boss of myself!!!! This piece is
 10 x 8 on sketch canvas

Lots of texture is present by using the palette knife and a lot of paint gets applied very quickly as compared to a brush

I wanted to keep my RV friend happy, so I do a bit of tweaking and refining using a big brush - 1 1/2 inches wide - my Tony Van Hasselt brush  - I love that brush!!

We have the finished piece without a lot of blah-blah-blah - just about 15 minutes of slapping paint on with lots of vigor - emotion- expression with very little regard for perfection!  This is expressive painting - this is fun painting done with a large degree of emotion and spontaneity - the juice of life.!!!

Have a good day my friends and live it to the fullest!

:>)  JR