This Land is My Land

This Land is My Land


HELL YES they are for sale!!! I believe in "Affordable art for the masses!"

Check out my ETSY STORE for original paintings

If you have any questions regarding my paintings you can contact me at

Thursday, October 20, 2011


Good Morning Blog Buddies,

I think that perhaps today will be a quiet day.  My DW has a hair appointment this afternoon and I've got to do some research on insurance for the RV.  Several companies have been suggested by our RV manufacturer - such as Progressive, Reliance and of course there are many more.  Not all insurers offer RV insurance and you need to make sure you choose one who has a vast amount of experience in insuring RVs.  I have about 6 places I'm going to check into and try and get ball park estimates.  It is never too early to research something!!

I may start a painting today when my DW goes to the hairdresser as this would keep me out of trouble - not to say that I get into trouble - however I could always fall over and perhaps break something!!!!  :>)

I like my Dr. - however in times of economic down-turns like NOW, one of the first things that people do without is dental or medical services.  Trust me - it's a proven fact!!!!  IMHO providers of services start to come up with "innovative" ways to replace that lost income.  On the other side of the coin and this observation amazes me, being one who enjoys a good meal and an outing - in these economic times one would think that restaurant activity would be at an all time low.  To me, getting my teeth cleaned and a check up every 6 months is more important than a meal in a restaurant.  We just returned from Indiana and without exception the restaurants out there seem to be as busy as ever!   The # of cars outside and the activity inside was just amazing - even during the week!  It is the same here in Santa Fe.

Well that said - I need to eat breakfast!!!!

Later my friends - enjoy the day and Eat to LIVE ------ don't live to EAT!