Well, I think I have solved part of my ZIP problem!!!!! My ZIP took a DIP!!!!!!
The last painting I posted "Vase with Apple" I painted waaaayyyyyyy to tightly. The vase is screaming HELP - HELP YOU'VE PAINTED ME SO TIGHTLY I'M CHOKING!!!!!! HELP-HELP.
Therefore I am going back into the painting perhaps with my palette knife (which I have not exercised in a while) and loosen this puppy up!!!!! I'm going to put on my French Cafe' CD and make that vase SING!!!!
In preparation for this I've done a very, very, very - did I mention VERY quick painting of Three Oranges
8x10 on canvas panel - emotion-expression-gusto- spontaneity and all the other techniques that have made me FAMOUS!!!!!! :>) :>) :>)
8X10 Canvas Panel "Three Oranges"