Well --- since I still have the apples and oranges I figured I'd best do one more painting as my DW has been hinting that she would like to eat an orange or apple some day before they ROT!!!
I decided I would do a piece with two separate clusters of objects so those of you who follow me often would better understand what I was saying in my previous post.
Also important in a painting is what I call the "Path of Flow." This is sequence of lights and darks that direct the eyes of the viewers through the painting and stops their eyes from going OFF the surface. This is done in many ways and I most always choose a sequence of dark-light-dark-light and so forth. Also the shape of things keep the eye moving - such as the shape of the oranges which flows into the shape of the apples. The stems on the apples function as POINTERS to the cobalt glass so the eyes will go up to the cobalt glass and not off the canvas. Additionally - I KNOW, HOLY CRAP - WHEN IS THIS GUY GOING TO SHUT UP!!!! As I was saying B4 the fella over to the right started talking ----- additionally the cobalt glass is a vertical object and vertical objects give a painting strength.
I've started to do more sketching with a brush - Helen Van Wyk (used) to do this and in watching her, I feel it gives a wonderful sense of freedom and looseness.
OK - brush and palette knife application - which I'll buzz through as TWO of you folks have already pointed out I've taken too much of your time already!!! (You folks forget I CAN HEAR YOU!!!!!)
Quick sketch with a brush
Now I quickly drop in some shadow color and darken the depth of color
Blue glass because the title is COBALT GLASS and blue and orange are-----------
Complimentary Colors --- BRAVO!!!!
I also add some depth of color for the bottle as well as deepening of color for the shadow side.
Most of my still life pieces are done with the source of light coming from the left - today I decided to challenge myself and have it come from the right - you have no idea how much that confuses the brain - at least my brain. I'm not very big on concentration!!
OK - the rest will go quickly as I'm getting tired and running out of BS to throw around!!
Some Detail for the anal members of the group - they have a very strong need to see how the paint was applied and the thickness there of. :>)
Time to throw in a BG - a FG - some movement so we end up with some interest in what could otherwise be a very boring painting.
BAM - DONE!!!!