Kind of a quiet day today. Gout seems to be retreating a tad as the foot is not as swollen although the ankle is still puffed out and some of the pain has returned to the top portion of the foot. When it's gone I guess it will be gone and there just ain't NO rushing it!!
Hope to be standing on both feet by Wednesday as much more sitting and I'm going to look for my axe or chain saw - ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!
Got to get a couple of paintings ready for delivery perhaps on Thursday of Friday.
The weather forecasters (who by the way SUCK) had forecast a DRYER and WARMER winter than normal due to El someone or whatever. HOWEVER we have had a COLDER and WETTER than normal winter thus far. The weather forecasters here in NM do a pretty lousy job predicting the weather for tomorrow let alone the near term future. The wetness is good for the wild fire danger as it seemed like half of the forests in NM were on fire last spring/summer/fall. They have a unique way of fighting wild fires out here - they just seem to let them burn!!!! Every once in a while they do a "CONTROLLED BURN." 9 times out of 10 this gets away from them as they tend to do them on very windy days thereby creating another WILD FIRE!!!
They are predicting rain/snow for Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday-Friday-Saturday-Sunday. The only day they left out was Thursday so ----- YEP that's the day it will rain/snow!!!!
Intelligence & common sense is not practiced here in NM. The State does what it wants - when it wants and how it wants.
Did you know that when it comes to reading in the school system NM is 49th in the Nation - Hmmmmm that's as close to dead ass last as you can get!!! Did you know that NM comes very close to being first in DUI arrests and that the majority of these arrests are dismissed!!! They either loose the evidence or the jails are too crowded
or----------- It is common practice to hear of people arrested for the 5th and 6th time!!!!
Did you know in Albuquerque they had RED LIGHT CAMERAS - which red light running is very common practice out there. Well the people complained to City Government that they felt is was a violation of their rights!!!! So the City Government let the voters decide whether to keep of NOT KEEP the RED LIGHT CAMERAS.
Now that is not intelligent nor does in display common sense!!!! Guess what the vote was - YEP NO MORE RED LIGHT CAMERAS IN ALBUQUERQUE!!! The rights of the citizens are no longer violated they can speed and run as many red lights as they please!! Now that is democracy in action!!!!
Well, a few more RV administrative things to do and then perhaps I shall read.
Take care my friends. Tired in and of New Mexico
JR :>(