If I'm at a beach in a nice warm climate I can sit and daydream for hours and hours - I can sit and read for hours and hours - I can sit and NAP for hours and hours. However that said if I had my easel and paints with me - I would have to get up and paint. SITTING OVER!!!!!!
I've been sitting here resting my stupid foot and every once in a while I glance over at MR. ED my easel and resting in his arms is the painting I'm working on - plus one other that I'm not happy with and I want to attack it with my trusty palette knife!
ENOUGH - ENOUGH ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OK I did a painting a while ago with brush and it just did not float my boat so to speak!
A good learning tool I find is to go into a painting and try to improve it with the use of a palette knife - it can teach me more about palette knife work which I love to do and it also teaches me LOOSENESS as you just can't paint tightly with a palette knife!
Sooooooo I put some LIFE into the vase and into the apple and I'm liking it better but still does not float my boat so I shall continue with my adjustment process and report back at a later date.
I have given the vase a lot of texture and color variation and I have given texture or I like to say ( chunk-a-fy-zation) to the apple and vase.
Still does not light up my life so further work/adjustments will be necessary.
OK - next subject...............
I did a bit of modification to the apples in the painting I started and have worked on a little bit since having "A Bout with the Gout"
I've given the apples more definition and further identified the direction of the light - right to left. When I left off last time, remember I said the apples were darker than they needed to be as this darkness gives dimension to the apples and allows me to generate the shape by the presence of brush marks.
Well --- now it is time to start undoing some of the "dimension darkness" and develop the true shape/form of apples. The darkness is important and some shall remain, some shall still be seen under the "lightness" and some will go away completely.
One thing a painter has to be careful of is a "LACK OF COLOR VARIATION"
This produces "VIEWER BOREDOM" something a painting needs to avoid - unless of course you don't want anyone to view your paintings. :>) :>(
A professional painter ( a friend of mine back in Maine ) once told me "Never dip your brush into the same color more than twice without dipping it into another color." There are in this painting as it sits now:
5 different REDS
4 different GREENS with 3 different YELLOWS blended in:
I think I've done him proud! :>)
I also gave some definition to the "light side" of the vessel.
Well my friends - ENOUGH-ENOUGH-ENOUGH
My foot needs a rest and oddly enough I'm ready for my nap!
Later Dudes
JR :>)