Well, this morning we are off to get the oil/filter changed in the RV and then off to the Atlantic Ocean at Salisbury Beach. We should be there shortly after noon time or so and once we get set up I'll shoot a few photos and send them out to you guys. Looking forward to spending another week in the PARKED/STATIONARY position - relaxing and I hope to do a painting or two during this week. Lots of relaxing and lots of reading.
I need to go up onto Amazon and download some more books - I had three new ones and this week I've read two of them and am now 1/2 way thru the third one.
Sunday we have the family reunion cookout at my sister's house in Dover NH - long range forecast is for showers so I really hope they are WRONG!!!!!
See Y'all later today with photos of our new location. This time our back yard will really be huge - the ATLANTIC OCEAN!!!!!!!!
JR :>)