Well today we slept late - past 8 am - we must be tired from the two 6 hour days of driving.
We did the laundry and then Melissa settled down to write and whipped out the painting gear.
These are both 9 x 12 done very quickly wet into wet with gusto and quickness of stroke.
This is a scene from Grayton Beach - this area is known as the Emerald Coast as you can see the water in close to shore is emerald in color - it is beautiful
One way I loosen up my style is to do the drawing with a brush and grey paint - this eliminates the chance of being too detail as happens with a pencil.
I hope to do a couple more paintings tomorrow morning. late in the day we are going over to our friends house Nancy & Wayne who live in the Punta Gorda area - she is a great cook and we I'm told are having Mexican!!!!! WOO-HOO MY FAVORITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful day today - high 70's - very low 80's and lots of sunshine!!!!!
Take care my friends and C-YA tomorrow.
JR :>)