Well, yesterday I did another painting:
"Florida West Coast Sand Dunes"
9 x 12 on canvas sheet
Not much going on today - I have a Dr. appt. this afternoon - I don't like Dr's!!!!!! All I really want is someone to give me new annual Rx's for my stupid maintenance drugs - an annual exam and "See ya In a Year!!!!!!"
New Dr's are especially pain full as you need to fill out your history from exiting the womb forward to present day - my memory goes back about 5 years!!!! I just check off all the good stuff and leave out the bad!!! As soon as you are honest with a DR. they see a cash cow and start with all kinds of tests and poking and touching. I'm on medicare and they never pay a Dr the amount that is submitted - sooooooo this makes the Dr. feel the need to do more tests and more things to you so he can make back some of the money that he feels medicare screwed them out of!!! When the Dr. asks how I'm feeling my standard answer is "I feel wonderful - I should not even be here today!" The longer you stay in their presence, the more they think they can find wrong. :>)
The same thing with dentists!!! Did you ever notice that dentists love to critique the work of other dentists. I've heard things like "I don't know who your last dentist was but some of this work is pretty shoddy!!!" Or "I wonder why this type of material was used in a front filling!"
EGO runs wild in the medical community has been my experience.
So my philosophy is say the very least you have to and if something is bothering you - look it up on line and self-diagnose!!!! If that fails put some anti-biotic ointment on it - I call that "Magic Cream!!!"
I think I will do another painting this morning and some small chores around the RV while I'm marking time to go see the new DR.
Take care my friends - brush your teeth 3 times a day, floss twice a day and take lots of vitamins - it will make life so much simpler!
Enjoy the day!
JR :>)