Well another chilly morning - about 42 but blue skies and bright sunshine so it will warm up quickly.
The music at the park was really great last nite - cold down there - right on the harbor but a very enjoyable time!!!
Today we need to take the RV to the Ford dealer for the 10,000 mile checkup. We will of course have to unhook the RV from the electric-water-sewer and move it off the lot, which is easy to do HOWEVER--- This lot was very hard to get the RV reasonably level soooooooo I will mark where our leveling blocks are and upon returning put them down in the same spots and drive up onto them. Should be pretty close!!!
We may need to borrow some 2x8's from the campground manager as the ground is soft here - sort of sandy and the RV tires have sunk a bit into the ground. I should really carry some 2x8's about 2 - 3 feet long just for this purpose - but - have yet to do so! It represents added weight which is not always a good thing for the RV.
Have a good day my friends and remember be good to yourself and to those around you - in the business world we had a saying "Be nice to the people on your way up - as you will meet them on your way down."
JR :>)