We spent 4 hours in the RV repair shop and they believe they found the problem but did not have the part of fix it ------ s the manufacturer of the leveler systems is going to send the part to a place in Albuquerque so they can perform the repair.
We left Oklahoma City around one in the afternoon and we were very glad to do so as very severe weather was predicted for the following day. The issued tornado warnings 2 days in advanced which has never been done before!!!! So it was time to get out of DODGE!!!!! Besides which I do not like Oklahoma City at all.
We made it to Shamrock Texas which was odd because it was Friday the 13th so we thought we would try to LUCK UP our evening. We stopped at a small RV Park which belongs to the Good Sam network and for the most part these are pretty nice places. This place advertised WiFi and TV.
Wellllllll --- we could not get WiFi and we could not get TV. The RV park was old, out in the middle of a field - half grass and half dirt and one could see for miles.On a scale of 1 - 5, we would give this place a 2. It suffers from "deferred maintenance!!!!!" Cheap enough - but in RV parks you tend to get what you pay for. All we needed was a good nites sleep and that we got.
Our back yard was quite nice looking - out over lots and lots of land - but the front yard and the actual RV spaces NOT SO MUCH.
Some photos below of the back yard and of course of DREAMCATCHERS.
We are back in Santa Fe for 17 days to accomplish a few obligations - DR. dentist and load up the RV for our journey.
This back yard was as far as the eye could see.
From the looks of the news tonight we got out of Oklahoma and Texas with tornadoes nipping at our BUTTS!!!!!
Well --- more to follow - not as much excitement during the next 17 days but I will post our doings and happenings. We have a lot to do to get ready for our departure on or about May 1
Later my friends
JR :>)