Well the day got away from me today! Today was food shopping day as well as delivering more "Stuff" to the climate controlled storage unit. We packed up 6 more boxes of "STUFF" that we do not need here in the TINY UNIT and will also not need in the RV. By the time this was all done, it was about 11:30 am.
We have a wonderful old (antique) sort of a pew/bench. Very heavy mahogany, and very nice. We have tried to sell it but antiques are not selling in this economy and it is taking too much room in the storage unit. We've tried to put it into a consignment shop but nope they don't want it as what they already have is not selling. Best estimate we can get based on some Internet searches on the furniture maker is - a value of about $1500 -$2000. We've owned it for 30 years, and moved it every place we've lived. So this is still up in the air and we may donate it and take a donation deduction or we may see if our friends want it as a gift. Ya just can't hang onto all this sh WHOOPS "stuff."
Soooooo anyhooooooo - I stopped at another consignment shop and same old story I would love to have it butttttttt "stuff" ain't selling!
After this I stopped at Home Depot to pickup some doodads for the RV - small stuff but necessary stuff:
GFCI tester - this will indicator wiring problems with electrical outlets - most RV Parks have good electrical connections, but with a lot of use and some not so careful people things do get broken or put into ill-repair. This device will detect possible problems before plugging in the RV. We also are having a EMS/Surge protection device installed that if a problem is detected in the electrical connection or a surge takes place the system will shut down the electricity before any damage can occur.
Brass hose Y with shut-off - This will allow me to use two water hoses from the same RV park water faucet
Rubber O-rings and hose washers - Just in case
PTFE Thread Seal Tape - This is used to wrap around the threads of hose connections to eliminate leaks and dripping. Also - we bought a (tire pressure monitor system) which has brass signal emitters that attach to the valve stems. Wellllll it seems some car/truck manufactures use aluminum for their valve stems and you need to put the PTFE tape onto the valve stems - if not a chemical reaction takes place between the brass and the aluminum and the brass signal emitters become FUSED to the valve stems. The TPMS emitters cost $50 each, so FUSED is a word we do not use in our house (RV) Our system has 11 emitters ( 7 for the RV and 4 for the Honda Fit) so FUSED is not a NICE WORD. I told my DW Melissa that I RE-FUSED TO USE THE THE WORD FUSED!!! :>)
So once this stop was completed, I came home - had 4 "cuties" for lunch - I'm on a diet again - getting ready for all the BEACHES we are going to be sitting on!!!!
Now it is time for me to go pick up my DW Melissa from work and then we will take our daily walk at the SFNC,
Later my friends.
JR :>)