Well I think today will be a slow day! A Yoga friend of my DW Melissa is suppose to come by today and pickup some furniture she is buying from us. Yes, we are selling off some of the furniture we brought to our TINY UNIT. As you know, we are also starting to pack up and donate other stuff as we will vacate this TINY UNIT by the 1st of April in preparation for our trip to Elkhart Indiana on April 4 to pickup our new 2012 RV.
She is also buying some furnishings from us that we will continue to use until late March. There are a few things that she is not buying so if we can't sell these by the end of March we will donate them. The remainder of items in our TINY UNIT will go into our newly reconfigured storage unit - as now there is additional room for more things!!
I felt good finishing my Menage a Trois painting yesterday and now I'm getting the urge to do a 24 x 18 palette knife painting of palms - ocean - beach. I've not done a 24 x 18 palette knife painting for a while and for some reason I am filled with the energy to spread globs & blobs of painting onto the surface with a semi-abstract flair and a lots of spontaneity of color and stroke.
My DW Melissa has started working on another novel so if she spends some time on it today before her Yoga friend comes for the furniture, I will perhaps start laying in some color - shapes - forms for the 24 x 18 painting. For some reason the words "on A Clear Day" are bouncing around my mind (woke up this morning humming that tune ) so I shall name the new piece "On A Clear Day"
Sooooooo - as shall I enjoy the day - I hope Y'all do the same. Later my friends.
JR :>)