Well, we are in New Brunswick Canada at an RV Park for the night. New Brunswick is about 1 hour further than we intended on going today - but - the road was smooth - the sun was out so we went the distance.
We are in the town of Sussex which is about 1 hour north of Bay of Fundy.
The RV Park is good - clean - nice big spaces and pretty much all the comforts of most parks. It was IMHO a tad overpriced at $34 for the night. We went to the grocery store and the food prices are higher as well so I guess Canada is a bit pricier than the USA!!!!
We'll have a nice supper - hang out til about 9-10pm and then hit the hay!!!!! We'll leave early in the am - around 8 - 8:30 and see how far we can go - perhaps even to our destination which we did not plan on arriving at until Wednesday. If tomorrow goes as good as today - perhaps we'll go the distance once again. There is a Wal-Mart in a town a couple of hours from our destination so we may see if they allow free overnight stays and boon-dock in the parking lot overnight tomorrow and then a short distance to our destination.
Sooooo my buddies that's about all there is to report - we are in CANADUR!!!! Melissa and I love CANADUR - especially Old Quebec. The Canadian people are so outgoing and so friendly - they have a good attitude about life - they enjoy life and do things as families and are not all stressed out and up tight(anal) like folks back in the states!!!
Well, onward and forward tomorrow - will post if we have WiFi again.
JR :>)